Three Worlds

Three Worlds

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ostara 2013

On March 16, Hallowed Oaks Grove held its Ostara/Spring Equinox open rite.  This is one of my favorite high days along with the autumn equinox.  There's something about the clear change of seasons that really sets me aglow.  This year was no different.  Spring has been a little reluctant this year, and the weather has been erratic -- one week warm and sunny, the next temps near or below freezing and stormy.  But Saturday was beautiful, just warm enough with some sun.  We had an egg hunt for the children before the actual rite began, which also allowed for any stragglers to arrive.  At the given ritual time (we actually started on schedule!), everyone gathered on or in front of the porch for the pre-ritual briefing and the procession to the fire ring.  I didn't manage a head count at that time, but going back later, I counted 28 people standing in ritual.  I think that's the largest attendance I've seen in the 3 years we've been holding rites on this property.  The rite went pretty smoothly, following the ADF COoR; any bumps went unnoticed in the flow of energy (you'd think after 6 years, I'd know The Portal Song all the way through).  Our sacrifice to Eostre was well received -- a basket full of sweets, seeds, and flowers eagerly consumed in the sacred fire.  The omen was both positive and cautionary -- wunjo, thurisaz, and nauthiz, which was interpreted as a successful community needs to stand together to protect and support its members; basically, together we are stronger than we are as individuals and none of us need fight alone.  Later, in some cases a few days later, some of the participants told me they had seen entities/Beings watching the rite or had felt strong energy in the circle, nothing threatening though.  That says successful rite to me.  The potluck feast following was a grand fellowship as always with such a marvelous quantity and variety of food.  The people who attend the High Day rites with us at Hallowed Oaks Grove really are what make them such festive and spiritually satisfying events.

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