Three Worlds

Three Worlds

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

High Day Attendance write-up

Lughnassadh 2012

I celebrated Lughnassadh 2012 with Hallowed Oaks Grove as I have for the past 6 years and my second year as Senior Druid.  We began as we usually do, by gathering all the participants in a central location and presenting a pre-ritual briefing.  Most of the attendees are not ADF and usually about half have never attended ritual with HOG previously, and this gives us a chance to go through the steps of the COoR and everyone knows a little of what to expect as well as some of HOG's customs for ritual participation such as when and if personal workings/offerings will be allowed.  After the briefing, we proceeded to the fire pit, singing We Approach the Sacred Grove and each person stopping briefly at the altar to cense and asperge at the small station set up for that purpose before continuing around the fire and forming a circle. 

Once all the participants had been past the altar and our circle was formed, I led a group meditation using the Two Powers imagery.  An offering and invitation were made to the Earth Mother.  Our statement of purpose and introduction of the Deities of the Occasion were presented by the ritual's presiding druid.  An offering was then made to the Outdwellers.  We consecrated the three hallows and called on Mannanan Mac Lir to open the gates.  With the gates open, Brigid was called upon for Bardic Inspiration, and then the three Kindreds were invited to join us.  We then made the key offerings to the DotOs – milk to Tailtui, beer to Lugh, and beer to the Ancestors.  An omen was taken using runes, drawing Fehu, Eihwaz, and Othala – read ( by me) as a positive omen with a reminder to honor our roots and that our present prosperity is rooted in the inherited wealth of the past.  We then called for the Waters of Life, and horn was passed around the circle for all to partake of the blessings. 

Then we allowed any who wished to make offerings to the deities of their choice and perform any personal workings.  After that, we began the unwinding of the ritual, first saying farewell to the DotOs and the three Kindreds, then closing the gates and thanking the gatekeeper and finally thanking and saying farewell to the Earth Mother. 

All in all, a good ritual with good smooth energy flow throughout (it helps to have some seasoned energy workers in your midst).  All assembled shared a potluck feast afterward, and fellowship continued into the evening.